The Awakening Aroma
Tea - Yoga - Wilderness - Essence
About the Author
Translator and practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism, Associate Professor and librarian at the Ohio State University. Founder of TEAgether.
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
通常见到的金针菇,是在隔绝光线并且紧密的培养器具中产生出来的。你也许会问它既然是白色的,为什么叫做“金针菇”呢?这个问题你也只有认识野生金针菇之后才会明白。因为,野生的金针菇的确是金色的。菌柄不仅不是白色的,而且在根部还会呈现浅棕色或深棕色,表面有布满细绒毛的质感,也不是像人工培育的那样纤细,因此更形象的名字是“绒柄金钱菇”。英文叫做Velvet Foot(或Velvet Shank),也就是绒柄或绒足的意思。拉丁学名叫做:Flammulina velutipes。
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
我借去Parma開會之機,回程時順便短暫訪問了Cuyahoga Valley西北角的Brecksville Reservation保護地。這是一大片以橡樹和山胡桃樹為主的森林。昨天剛剛下過小雪,落葉被一層薄雪覆蓋着,空氣寒冷清新。我隨意停車在路邊一小片空地,先去路右側的林地裡探尋了一陣,直到走到一處峽谷的邊緣都沒有什麼發現,只好回到停車的地方。這時我看到路對面有一些巨大的橡樹,於是過去探尋,終於在路邊一株大橡樹下發現兩叢灰樹花菇。其中一叢已經完全枯萎,另一叢更大,一片一片的菌瓣像乾花一樣,仍然非常完整,但是整頭都已經完全過了盛年, 孢子孔層變成棕黃色,不能食用了。不過這樣大的一叢灰樹花在11月下旬還保持得這麼好,是十分少見的,所以我決定把她採回家,作為一個不錯的標本或者就是欣賞這一壯觀之物。
舞茸(日語發音Maitake),即灰樹花菇,又名貝葉多孔菌、雲蕈、栗子蘑、千佛菌。是可食用蘑菇中的上品。野生的舞茸常常可以生得十分巨大,品味較人工培育的更加鮮美。英文叫做Hen of the woods(樹林裡的母雞),因為她生於大樹,主要是橡樹根下,常常被落葉覆蓋,加上顏色像迷彩一樣接近周圍環境,有時很難發現,就像是一隻母雞藏在樹下。
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被薄雪和落葉覆蓋的一大叢老舞茸 |
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採回家放在草地上仔細審視 |
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掂量一下十分沉重足有20多磅 |
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底面觀 |
舞茸(日語發音Maitake),即灰樹花菇,又名貝葉多孔菌、雲蕈、栗子蘑、千佛菌。是可食用蘑菇中的上品。野生的舞茸常常可以生得十分巨大,品味較人工培育的更加鮮美。英文叫做Hen of the woods(樹林裡的母雞),因為她生於大樹,主要是橡樹根下,常常被落葉覆蓋,加上顏色像迷彩一樣接近周圍環境,有時很難發現,就像是一隻母雞藏在樹下。
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
平菇,又稱蠔菇(Oyster mushroom)作為可食用菇類,現已被人工培育,在一般亞洲超市裡可以買到。但就滋味而言,它是不能替代野生蠔菇的。野生蠔菇仍然是野外蘑菇採集者的最愛之一。
在北美,Oyster mushroom(蠔菇)實際上泛指至少三個本地野生品種:
在北美,Oyster mushroom(蠔菇)實際上泛指至少三個本地野生品種:
- Summer Oysters 夏蠔菇
- Autumn Oysters 秋蠔菇
- Birch Oysters 樺蠔菇
Friday, October 7, 2016
今晚是我們Tea Friends茶小組組成以來第一次由我給大家作茶的知識與文化講座。我們今後會進行一系列這樣的講座,內容會包括茶的知識、茶的品鑑、紫砂壺以及其他茶具的鑑賞、茶與生活等等。我今天首先想要和大家分享一下有關方法論的問題,然後介紹一些關於茶分類的知識。
- 獲取第一手資料
- 深入體會、注重實踐
- 了解茶的分類學是為了理解茶的豐富多樣性,擴展我們對茶領域視野
- 地域性分類:比如按國家地區來分-中國茶(台灣地區的特點)、日本茶、西方茶(包括印度茶)
- 中國茶種類的豐富性(參考TEAgether)
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
--- 清陳作舟(潮汕人)《竹枝詞》
我們看到,原來茶竟然可以在最具有出世精神的佛教寺院中與在最具有物慾色彩的妓女的船上扮演着至關重要的角色! 這是為什麼呢?這不能不歸於茶的特殊媒介功能。
陸羽在《茶經》這部中國第一部關於茶的經典著作中, 闡明了茶的特殊作用:
--- 清陳作舟(潮汕人)《竹枝詞》
我們看到,原來茶竟然可以在最具有出世精神的佛教寺院中與在最具有物慾色彩的妓女的船上扮演着至關重要的角色! 這是為什麼呢?這不能不歸於茶的特殊媒介功能。
陸羽在《茶經》這部中國第一部關於茶的經典著作中, 闡明了茶的特殊作用:
Monday, April 4, 2016
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
今天第一次亲眼看到了“雪花延龄草”Snow Trillium,一种现在已经比较罕见的美东本土野花。
雪花延龄草,学名Trillium Nivale,株形比较矮小,全株不超过9厘米,将将露出落叶层表面。像所有延龄草属植物一样,雪花延龄草也具有不分枝且各部分都为三片的特点,比如只有三片(假)叶、三个花颚片、三个花瓣,连雌蕊雄蕊都是三的倍数!多年生草本,靠地下根状茎过冬。在俄州三月初开始开花,进入春季之后很快就消失得无影无踪(进入地下根茎睡眠期)。
Friday, December 19, 2014
- 在目前國際上比較通行的茶葉名稱分類法中,『烏龍茶』是一個大種類名,又叫『青茶』(現代意義的分類法是把茶葉分為綠茶、白茶、黃茶、烏龍/青茶、紅茶及後發酵茶六大類)
- 『烏龍茶』作為一個大種類,又包括很多種茶。比較方便的是按照生產地區進行劃分:
- 福建閩南烏龍茶區
- 福建閩北烏龍茶區
- 廣東烏龍茶區
- 台灣烏龍茶區
- 其中閩南烏龍茶的代表就是傳統意義上的『鐵觀音』茶。因此,就通行分類法而言,『鐵觀音』是『烏龍茶』的一種。
- 在台灣,的確有將『烏龍茶』與『鐵觀音』分開當作不同茶類的說法!一般的台灣人會認為『青茶』有『包種』、『烏龍』和『鐵觀音』三種。
- 當然,台灣茶人也知道其實這些都是『青茶』或『烏龍茶』。只是這種說法可能由來已久。
- 首先從茶樹品種上,是指幾種特定的茶樹品種,比如只有『青心烏龍』和『大冇烏龍』才被視作正宗的烏龍茶葉。
- 其次,在製作程序上,台灣烏龍茶與大陸烏龍茶也有很大不同。簡單地說,台灣烏龍茶比較更重視保留茶葉原始的香味,因此發酵度比較低、焙火比較輕,茶湯比較綠。大陸的烏龍茶--特別是閩北岩茶和廣東潮汕烏龍茶,發酵度比較高、焙火比較重、茶湯顏色比較深。
- 傳統意義上的『鐵觀音』,從其名稱上看,之所以冠以『鐵』字,就是說(1)茶葉揉成的顆粒緊實堅硬如鐵,(2)顏色深,像鐵。
- 但是,現在大陸『鐵觀音』的製作已經發生了很大的變化,傳統意義上的『鐵觀音』在大陸已經很難再找到了。大陸生產銷售的『鐵觀音』雖然仍然揉成半球狀,但顏色比較淺,顆粒比較散脆(一捻就碎)。
- 相反,台灣還保留了傳統製法的鐵觀音,那就是在台北的『木柵鐵觀音』。
- 當然,大陸的安溪鐵觀音仍然銷售到台灣,有的在經過香港時,還進行了第二道焙火。
- 另外,正如上面所說,既然台灣人概念中的『烏龍茶』是特殊茶樹種類的葉子,則『鐵觀音』也需要是特殊的『鐵觀音』樹種的茶葉。
- (1)大陸現在生產的『鐵觀音』與傳統上作為閩南烏龍茶代表的『鐵觀音』距離越來越大。
- (2)台灣人概念中的『烏龍茶』是特指的幾種茶樹品種,用與大陸『烏龍茶』不同的製作方法製作。台灣『烏龍茶』與大陸『烏龍茶』很不相同。
- 正是這兩個原因導致台灣人將『鐵觀音』當作另外一種特殊茶類,因此會有:
- 『烏龍茶』與『鐵觀音』有何不同的問題!
- 這個首先還是要大家親自嘗試之後才能明白。
- 重要的前提是你喝到是正宗的台灣烏龍茶和正宗的安溪鐵觀音!
- 這個前提具備了,我個人總結『台灣烏龍茶』與『鐵觀音茶』的主要不同在於:
- 它們是不同茶樹種類的茶葉:『鐵觀音茶』指的是單一的鐵觀音茶種,而『台灣烏龍茶』則有很多樹種。
- 沏泡口感上:台灣烏龍茶比較保持茶葉原始的香味,如花香或果香。而鐵觀音追求的是一種叫做『觀音韻』的東西。
Friday, March 16, 2012
An interesting home-storage green tea
Today I finally decided to try a bag of green tea that I kept in refrige for how long? FOUR years! Unbelievable. Time flies. This is a 2008 Spring 黃山毛峰 Huangshan Mao-feng, which I wrapped in a coffee bag, put into a air-tight glass jar and stored in the refrige on May 8, 2008 (according to the note I wrote on the bag). The tea still performs quite well --
The dry leaves are still green, covered with thin tiny white hairs, and once infused in hot water, turned out a quite fresh looking. The aroma is the typical "mung bean taste" to be expected for good green tea.
Turned out to be a real joy ;-)
Monday, October 24, 2011
Tea and Yoga Practice
I like this simple expression of tea and yoga:
... Tea helps build the connection to ourselves and to those around us. Tea helps achieving relaxation, bringing harmony and connecting with each-other as a family. In addition to the positive mental connections to drinking Tea, the beneficial properties of Tea builds on those that you receive from practicing yoga.(read whole article here)
Monday, October 10, 2011
My new Ashtanga Mysore class experience
This month, I just began my small-class training in the Ashtanga Mysore style with a local certificated instructor.
- The teacher stopped me at the point of Marici C, because I could not bind with joint hands on my right knee (I can do it on the left side though)!
- So, I'm now stucking with this asana and trying to accomplish it on my right side.
- In the Ashtanga tradition, asana sequence is strictly followed. A beginner is introduced one asana at a time, and until you accomplish that asana, you are not allowed to proceed to the next. However, all finishing asanas are encouraged, which usually include the Sarvanga (Shoulder stand) series, Shirsha (Head stand) series and the Padma series plus Shavasana. Modifications are given (only) when you have injuries preventing you to do the full pose.
- This is exactly the case in the class I'm attending. The teacher encourages not only finishing poses but also backbend practice.
- The small sized class is entense for me for now.
- The teacher makes sure all the time that the students are following the sequence -- which means no skips, no changing order, and NO modifications!
- If you can't do an asana, you learn how to do it.
- Into the 2nd week (I'm attending a 3 times/week schedule), my right knee pain got severe to a point that I can't do any lotus. I can't even do Janu-shirsha on my right side.
- I think it was the standing Ardah-baddha-padma asana and a deep full lotus (was the deepest I've never attempted) at the end of one session literally killed my right knee -- I had previous similar experience, but usually recover by itself in a few days so I think this time it's really serious.
- So, for the rest of the week day classes, I was given "modification" as said, but it is not the thing you will do in a so called "modified primary" class in popular yoga center. Here, I was still asked to do THE pose in the same manner, but using props and stopping at the point of pain. As for Ardha-baddha-padma, I was still crossing my right leg but put the right foot to the outside of the left thigh. Using a large rubber band, get my right hand bind with the righ foot, and bend upper body after ensuring right hip opening (right knee point straight downwards).
- The difference between "stretching" and "tearing" -- the latter should be avoide at all expense.
- The pain IS a result of practicing yoga asana, and not because of doing other sport activities or from whatever incidence - this is no doubt. But that still doesn't mean that the yoga asana caused the pain. It has to be because I tried to get the knee into deep lotus before having the hip join fully opens.
- I would emphasize that the pain is NOT an injury, because full range of motion is still there; plus, I don't feel pain by doing daily body movement, such as walking, sitting, and jumping up... It only felt when doing the specific asana posture - for me now, any lotus. I can't even do Janu-shirsha on my right side; and when seated with knee fully folded underneath, will have sensation of pain in the right knee, especially when putting more weight on it. On the third day, getting into deep squat also became difficult, though I could still manage to do that. Once getting into the deep squat, the pain relieves. The situation will also improve after warm-up with a few rounds of Sun Salute.
- It's now clear to me that the knee, though being a hinge join, does allow some range of motion to let the fore leg flip inward (sole up, shin on top of the opposite groin). But this very allowance should be well conserved, because it can give an illusion that you can put your legs in lotus, but actually not in a safe and wory-free manner. The pain, or in other words, injury of ligarment, will not immediately show up at the time and even shortly after doing deep lotus. It usually comes on the next day, and the situation will only go worsen and a period of healing time will be required and how long will depends on how much you get injured or varies person to person. I'm right now keeping a record on seeing how many days it will take me to have all the pain gone and be able to do lotus again.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Black lentil sprouting
My first lentil pea sprouting experiment is successful! Today's recipe is sesame paste, Black Beluga Lentil sprout and molasses, sprinkled with some Shiso fumi furikake.
It takes only four days to sprout:
It takes only four days to sprout:
Friday, August 5, 2011
Translating Tea
Building up a glossary -- Our special focus is not only on translating names of tea or tea products, but also on a deeper appreciation of tea such as equivalent term for taste, feeling and cultral-spiritual dimension of tea activities.
Reference sites
- A glossary for translation projects and communication by Sherab
Reference sites
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Vegan and fatty acids
-- Notes from reading Becoming Vegan: The Complete Guide to Adopting a Healthy Plant-Based Diet / Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina
Fatty Acids
a basic component of fats and oils, are divided into the following categories
***Essential Fatty Acids (EFA)
The two polyunsaturated fatty acids required in the diet.
Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids
larger polyunsaturated fatty acid molecules.
Fatty Acids
a basic component of fats and oils, are divided into the following categories
- Saturated Fat (SFA)
- Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MFA)
- Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA)***
- Trans Fatty Acids
Saturated Fat (SFA) molecules completely packed or "saturated" with hydrogen. Generally hard at room temperature. Often considered "bad fats" because they have consistently been linked to an increased risk of heart disease and some forms of cancer.
Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MFA) fatty acids having one spot in the carbon chain where hydrogen is missing. Fats high in these MFA are generally liquid at room temperature and semi-solid when refrigerated. These are generally considered "good fats"; they are beneficial to health and can protect against chronic diseases, especially heart disease. These are neutral or slightly beneficial in their effects on total cholesterol levels and do not decrease HDL ("good") cholesterol; may even slightly increase it. Some evidence show MFA reduce blood presure and enhance blood flow... Main dietary sources are olives, olive oil, canola oil, avacados, most nuts (except for walnuts and butternuts), high-oleic sunflower oil, and high-oleic safflower oil.
Polyunsaturated Fat (PUFA) fat molecules having more than one spot in the carbon chain where hydrogen is missing. Fats high in PUFA are liquid at room temperature and when refrigerated. Reviews concerning their health effects are inconsistent.... Main dietary sources are vegetable oils, seeds, nuts, grains, legumes, and other plant foods.
***Essential Fatty Acids (EFA)
The two polyunsaturated fatty acids required in the diet.
- Linoleic Acid a parent in the omega-6 fatty acids family
- Alpha-linolenic Acid a parent in the omega-3 fatty acids family
Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids
larger polyunsaturated fatty acid molecules.
- in omega-6 family: Linoleic Acid --converted-- Arachidonic Acid (AA)
- in omega-3 familty: Alpha-linolenic Acid --converted-- Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Steps to improve yoga back-bend post
Works on opening the shoulders and top of legs
YogaBody offers these two following practices:
Practice on lengthening the lower spine and opening the groins
-- from Vancouveryoga.com
YogaBody offers these two following practices:
- Hands-on-wall Downward Dog
- Lie on your belly on the floor; crown of head touching a wall
- Chest liftup and put hands on the wall like doing Downward Dog
- Relax and hang there for a minute, then 2 to 5 minutes
- Supta Vajrasana
- Master Vajrasana till comfortable bum on floor between feet
- Proceed to lean back, elbows first, lower your back and head to the floor
- Grab opposite elbows over your head; Relax totally for 2-5 minutes
Practice on lengthening the lower spine and opening the groins
-- from Vancouveryoga.com
- To maximize the benefit and minimize potential discomfort in backbends, the pelvis and lumbar spine must be positioned in a way that lengthens the lower spine and opens the groins. To prevent compression in the lumbar spine, the pivot point in the backbend must be the bottom or apex of the sacrum, not the base. Many yogis mistakenly pivot from the base which compresses the vulnerable joint between the the sacrum and L5 and can cause discomfort by pinching muscles and ligaments in the lumbar area.
- To experiment with these concepts, first warm up the spine with Catcow:
- on all fours, arch the back and tip the tail up to the ceiling on each inhalation; on each exhalation, round the back and tuck the tail and head under. Repeat slowly and with awareness for 2 or 3 minutes.
- Bow Pose is a good one in which to practice lengthening the lumbar spine and groins in backbends:
- Lie on your stomach with arms overhead. Reach back with your right hand to grasp the right foot.
- Inhale and press your pubic bone gently into the floor. This encourages you to center the pivot point of the arch in the backbend at the apex of the sacrum. As you inhale, lift your upper body and right thigh off the floor. Keep the back of the neck long. Exhale and return to the floor. Continue for several breaths then repeat on the left side.
- To contrast the results, do several movements without first pressing the pubic bone into the floor. Notice the increased compression in the lower back.
- If you are able, do the full pose by lifting both thighs and the upper body off the floor as you inhale and anchor the pubic bone into the floor. If you feel any compression in the lowback, practice one side at a time until you learn to lengthen the spine and pivot from the sacral apex.
- Do several more Catcows as a counterpose.
- Take this concept into more complex poses such as Camel and Wheel. The more you can lengthen the lumbar spine and maintain space between the vertebrae by lowering the pivot point of the backbend to the sacral apex, the less the compression and discomfort. Subtle energies can then flow more freely and you will receive maximum benefit from the energizing and cleansing backbends
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Delivering a tea seminar to OWO
I was invited to deliver a tea seminar to the Ohio Women Organization. The topic I gave was:
On the Aesthetics of Tea Arrangement 茶席的美學
(details forthcoming...)
On the Aesthetics of Tea Arrangement 茶席的美學
(details forthcoming...)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Pawpaw Sandwich
September is the month of a feast on autumn wildness tastes! Persimmons, Eastern Black Walnuts, and yes, the Pawpaws are some of the mother nature's gifts I'm gratefully accepting. Well, certainly you have to "search" for them, as they will not show up in the market. The discipline is, however: Don't take too many. You won't have time to process (and digest) them all at once if you come to be too greedy.

This morning, I made pawpaw sandwich, another way to enjoy this locally grown but exotic in taste fruit. I call it Vegan Butter!

This fall, I found a six-fruits-in-one - They are multiple fruits produced from a single flower! This really looks beautiful and interesting. It is said that "pawpaw fruits often occur as clusters of up to nine individual fruits." (source)

It's hard to describe the taste of pawpaws... To me, it's mango but no acid; banana but more fragrant; persimmon but not that sweet; pear but with custarda... A serious reader might want to consult the web sources and below are a few pages to begin with. However, if you are really serious about pawpaw, you should consider attend the Ohio Annual Pawpaw Festival!

This morning, I made pawpaw sandwich, another way to enjoy this locally grown but exotic in taste fruit. I call it Vegan Butter!

This fall, I found a six-fruits-in-one - They are multiple fruits produced from a single flower! This really looks beautiful and interesting. It is said that "pawpaw fruits often occur as clusters of up to nine individual fruits." (source)

It's hard to describe the taste of pawpaws... To me, it's mango but no acid; banana but more fragrant; persimmon but not that sweet; pear but with custarda... A serious reader might want to consult the web sources and below are a few pages to begin with. However, if you are really serious about pawpaw, you should consider attend the Ohio Annual Pawpaw Festival!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Morning glory
I love morning glories! and I'm particularly in favor of those purple or blue ones. They just add a wonderful refreshment in the morning, really. These are a light blue variety I found at roadside, Beijing, when I was traveling to there last month. The color is just so touching!


One thing about morning glories is that they are so modest in nature, and they thrive everywhere there's decent light and moisture. The trumpets of beauty sing the glory of the sun.
This dark purple one is in my patio. I took this picture a day after coming back from Beijing -- it's still in the season of morning glories!


One thing about morning glories is that they are so modest in nature, and they thrive everywhere there's decent light and moisture. The trumpets of beauty sing the glory of the sun.
This dark purple one is in my patio. I took this picture a day after coming back from Beijing -- it's still in the season of morning glories!
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