Friday, March 21, 2008

1 Text & 5 Teas

The following was posted on my I just received some great gifts - 1 book and 5 teas - from Sunny at Beijing! The book is a piece of classic by the Taiwanese author Mr Shi Kunmu, who is prestigious in the Chinese puerh tea world. The big cake is a sheng beeng made of the so called "purple" puerh. The smaller cake is a Xishuang Banna You-le mountain ancient tree sheng bing of 2007. The small tuo is a Xia-Guan Factory product with the famous Pine-Crane trade mark. The loose leaves in the left bowl is Gong-ting puerh, and the stuff in the right -- hmmm, I don't know how to call it in English now! It's a sort of side-product when mannually "ripening" the tea.

--- 山居最近一直沉浸在博友接連惠賜的欣喜之中! 去年Sunny寄來六種普洱茶樣品, 年前是小刀寄來的作為「黃金茶文化滿月紀念」的斗記生態大樹七餅, 然後是水流花靜惠贈的吳志強之《東泠摶砂掇英》與《大師古琴》CD, 今日喜接Sunny再寄之普洱茶禮物 -- 不日將更有舍利子兄惠賜之砂壺 -- 善哉, 山人何其幸也!! 吾惟當珍惜此諸勝緣.

現先將Sunny之所寄與各位好友分享一下. 此次Sunny所贈之物頗嘆為觀止, 共計一典五茶, 如下:

一典者, 石昆牧先生之《經典普洱名詞釋義》一書也. 實為學習普洱茶之經典(盼能更得05版《經典普洱》). 五茶者,

一. 「景谷淳一堂」出品之紫茶餅 (生餅, 年份不長)

此餅外包裝上部有篆文"八俊公"印, 兩旁有二藏文咒語, 其左為長壽佛心咒 Hum Mama Hum Ni Svaha; 其右為六字大明加觀自在心間種字 Om Mani Padme Hum Hrih -- 下印茶馬古道馬幫行圖, 及"雲南七子餅茶"、"紫茶"、"一"並"茶史顧問: 木xx"字樣 (內飛及餅樣容試茶時再報)

二. 昆明天安茶場出品「西雙版納攸樂山古樹茶」(簡體字)餅. Sunny告訴我此茶又稱"月光白", 此款為07春茶, 是(南域風情)自己收的原料壓餅包裝的. 見下圖左.

三. 下關沱茶(集團)股份有限公司出品松鶴商標100克沱茶. 年份也較近, 期久置會更好些. 見下圖右.

四. 特級宮廷普洱散熟茶. 前文已有描述. 見下圖左.

五. 老茶頭. 是90年代末產品, 已有近10年的年份. 可泡可煮. 見下圖右.

--- 連夜記錄, 特先分享喜悅. 不日試品, 當再詳述~~~

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